RCGP Leicester faculty evening class June 2014
24 May 2014
Last Years of Practice and Beyond - There is life after General Practice.

This session is the second in a series I'm running for the Leicester Faculty of the Royal College of General Practitioners.
Managing your retirement is one of the most important things you will ever do. When will you stop? What will you do? How will the practice change?
What will be your legacy? What will your interests be?
This session will be a unique opportunity to review and discuss your strategy for retirement and plan the next stage in your life for your situation. We will work in a small group, privately.
We will be joined by Dr David Poll (GP with 30years service) of Riversdale Surgery, Belper, Derbyshire who will share his insights into moving towards retirement.
June 18th 7pm to 9.30pm at the RCGP offices at the Leicester General.
Benefits of attending:
- Review your plans and timings
- Reflect on what you will leave behind and what you will take with you
- Manage the move from the practice and the people
To book onto the course visit the RCGP Leicester faculty website found HERE