Alexis Hutson

Coaching doctors Development workshops

Grow your leadership skills with FMLM

12 June 2015

I'm running two taster sessions at the end of this month with the Faculty of Medical Leadership & Management (FMLM).

Screen Shot 2015-06-12 at 06.14.20 All leadership development starts with understanding yourself better. Being aware of your preferences, noticing how you do things, reflecting on your behaviour and the choices you make, is crucial to growing as a leader - whatever stage of your career. Within these sessions we will explore the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI).

These workshops will:

  • Strengthen your awareness of your leadership and management strengths and weaknesses
  • Improve your self awareness, awareness of others and managing your relationships
  • Understand your role within team dynamics and cope with the inevitable conflicts that arise
  • Identify your learning needs and build a development plan
The two taster sessions are: The Leader Within 9.30 to 12.30 25th June at the Royal college of Physicians Leading Change - Managing Conflict 1.30 to 4.30pm 25th June at the Royal college of Physicians NB. These sessions make reference to the FMLM Leadership & Management Standards