Developing an effective mentoring scheme
01 September 2016
Do you want to set up or boost an existing mentoring scheme?
Increasingly organisations are setting up mentoring schemes and I'm often asked to support the training of mentors and mentees for them. This is great news, but developing a successful scheme is not straight forward and many have fallen by the wayside through lack of resources or investment; even when a willing cohort of mentees and mentors exists. The Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) has a well established scheme that has been running since 2002 and have freely published a wealth of resources on their website to support other's in setting up a scheme. MORE HERE. In addition, the AMS are running a good practice and development workshop onĀ 15th September 2016 (13:00 - 17:00). They will showcase their own scheme and have invited other organisations to share their learning and practice. This will include Nottingham University Medical School, Professor Lis PaiceĀ and I will be facilitating the afternoon. Venue: The Academy of Medical Sciences, 41 Portland Place, London W1B 1QH. To see more and book your place CLICK HERE