Doctors and Appreciation
02 April 2013
A client bought me flowers a couple of weeks ago - to say thank you and to show how much she appreciated what we have done together.

Not that I expect this kind of thing you understand, but it got me thinking about appreciation in general and how it's so important in our relationships.
My own appreciation of the
power of appreciation really grew a few years ago when I read
Nancy Kline's work. She believes that there are ten crucial elements/behaviours that must be present to allow people to do their very best thinking. I strive to have these in place when coaching and they are:
Attention, Equality, Ease, Appreciation, Encouragement, Feelings, Information, Diversity, Incisive Questions and Place.
I think appreciation comes in many forms (not just flowers) but it can be; just being there, being attentive, saying thank you, listening, asking how someone is or remembering important details about them. It all adds up to a feeling of being valued. And we all need that.
But it's just as important to appreciate others explicitly too. Giving appreciative feedback is so valuable, and yet free. So make it count and do it well by being:
Succinct - Sincere - Specific
I'm not talking about being gushy here. I'm talking about being genuine and honest. Here's an example from my testimonials page:
Alexis has that rare quality of listening not only to the words you are saying but also the nuances. She is able to analyse and effectively summarise. But she does not force her opinion on you; the conclusions you draw are your own."
This is why I value my clients feedback through evaluation so much. It's a form of appreciation that is always concrete, sincere and developmental for me. You can read other feedback on my
testimonials page.
Contact me on 0754 0593476 or email me on
The human mind thinks more rigorously and creatively in a context of genuine appreciation." Nancy Kline