Handling conflict is a part of everyone's working life, so what can Doctors do to manage it better?

A recent article in the press caught my attention.
'Top doctors sent home for fighting: Hospital Consultant looses tooth after he and colleague squared up outside operating theatre.' Article here.
Unfortunately the culture for hospital Doctors, between colleagues or specialities, can often be combative. Over reliance on command & control and territorial behaviours means that conflict working styles that are productive are not displayed enough. It leaves people feeling stressed and anxious about how they manage their working relationships.
Of course there is nothing wrong with conflict in itself. Differences between people and teams are normal. It's how we handle it that counts. The model I use to help my clients get a better handle on conflict is the TKI™ (Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode Instrument). This model describes 5 different conflict positions that
all serve a purpose in working through differences. They are:
Competing - Collaborating - Compromising - Avoiding - Accommodating
Ideally we need to be skilled at using them all and choose which to use depending on the conflict and our position within it. The question is, which one do you overuse and which don't you use enough? Are you adapting to each situation and analysing what is needed, or are you getting caught up in the emotion and heat of the moment?
By using a model like TKI™ you can develop a more rational and objective response to conflict which will help you manage these inevitable situations better.
Call 0754 0593476 or email me on alexishutson@yahoo.com to book your online TKI test.
The TKI™ (Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode Instrument) is an easy and accessible tool to help people handle conflict better. By identifying alternative conflict styles, it helps you reframe and defuse conflict, creating more productive results. The TKI questionnaire identifies five distinct conflict styles and provides you with conflict-management solutions. As with MBTI, you fill in a questionnaire and then a feedback session talks you through the report generated. I can administrate this for you. Find out more here.