Doctors beyond training
09 July 2013
What to expect in your first year; managing your transition from training grade to GP or Consultant.
"When I stepped through that CCT curtain, I expected so much. I’d worked so hard, for so long. I never expected my first year to be the start of another learning curve!” Secondary Care Consultant.
But it is. Your speciality training provides you with a structured pathway with identifiable goals and targets to meet, a supervisor as guide and mentor, and safety net for your clinical decisions. When you move away from that long-term structure, it is not replaced by anything equivalent. Its up to you and the team/department you are now working with.
And the surprising thing for many new consultants and GPs is that it’s the human element that is the biggest challenge. That is; negotiating your new role, a position within a team/hierarchy, developing allies, navigating the group dynamics and politics are all amplified when in it ‘permanently’.
So your performance and your sense of professional value is now associated with who you are and how you fit in, not just what you can do clinically.
Working with newly qualified GPs and Secondary Care doctors has given me a clear insight into what these first year challenges are, so I’ve designed a morning of practical tips and insights to help people anticipate and plan for this big change.
Designed specifically for those in their last 1-2yrs of training, those in their first 1-2yrs beyond CCT and for both primary and secondary care Doctors.
FLYER-what to expect the first year
25th September 2013, 9am to 1pm. The Phoenix Arts Centre, 4 Midland St, Leicester LE1 1TG. Cost £50 & includes breakfast.
Benefits of attendance:
- Identify your strengths and weaknesses in your team
- Build a development plan to suit you
- Develop your skills for networking / working in partnership
- Working with management and managing others
- Planning for the internal politics
- Handling change and the impact on people
Call 0754 0593476 or email me on to reserve your place.